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The Official Ethan Fox KidsStagram Blog

An illustration of various Ethan Fox Books characters spread out.

Lisa the Butterfly Shrub: A Marvel of the Moongarden

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2In the vast and enigmatic realm of the Ethan Fox series, nestled among the many wonders of the Moongarden, stands Lisa the Butterfly Shrub. This extraordinary shrub doesn't just draw the eye—it captures the imagination, symbolizing . . .

Caretaker Training Program: Nurturing Protectors of Earth

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2In the richly imagined world of the Ethan Fox Original Series, we, the Caretakers, emerge as vigilant guardians of Earth and its countless inhabitants. Our training, known as the Caretaker Training Program, intertwines rigorous discipline . . .

Elemental Modulator ELMO in Ethan Fox: Magic and Technology

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2Within the enthralling narrative of the Ethan Fox series, where the fantastical meets the mechanical, the Elemental Modulator ELMO in Ethan Fox, affectionately known as the ELMO, stands out as a beacon of innovation. This device . . .

Light Beetles in The Hall of Doorways Illuminate Our Path

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2Hello, it’s Hayley. In the vast, enigmatic universe of the Ethan Fox series, there's a place that never fails to send a chill down my spine—The Hall of Doorways, lit only by the mysterious light beetles. These light beetles in The Hall of Doorways . . .

Discover the Powerful Magic of the Copycat Totem

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2When you live in a world where magic is as common as the trees and rivers, it takes a lot to be surprised. But today, I stumbled upon something truly unique—an artifact that even I didn’t see coming. Let me tell you about my recent run-in with the “Tabby Cat,” and the powerful magic of the copycat totem that’s as intriguing as it is mighty.

Gruggins McGhee: My Enigmatic Companion of Magic and Mischief

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2In the enchanting world of the Ethan Fox series, every character adds a unique flavor to the story, but none so distinctively as Gruggins McGhee. In this blog, I want to share with you the layers of charm and complexity that make Gruggins one of my most intriguing companions.

Mystical Portals in the Ethan Fox Series: The In-Door and Out-Door

Ethan Fox Books Character Hayley Ravenwood Portrait Version 2In the captivating world of the Ethan Fox series, doorways are not merely entries and exits; they are intricate gateways woven into the fabric of a magical universe. Among these mystical thresholds, the concepts of the in-door and out-door stand out, presenting a unique blend of wonder, perplexity, and symbolism that echoes throughout the narrative. This blog explores the significance of these peculiar doors and their role in the unfolding saga of mystical portals . . .
Ethan Fox group of various characters

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An author created rendering of Wordly Pagemore on his book taxi.

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